First of all, what is meant by the word – Quality? Basically, the quality of a product or service refers to the degree to which the

product or service meets, and continues to meet, customer expectations. In business, there are many meanings of quality such as:

‘The number of defects per million opportunities’ (Six Sigma); ‘Conformance to requirements’ (Cosby); ‘Fitness for use’ (Juran); ‘The result of care’ (Page); ‘Uniformity around a target value’ (Kano); (Taguchi);


‘A product or service free of deficiencies’ (Demming); ‘Value to some person’ (Weinburg); ‘Meeting or exceeding customer expectations’ (Juran); and even ‘Quality in a product or service is not what the supplier puts in. It is what

the customer gets out and is willing to pay for’ (Drucker).