Anyone working in the rehabilitation arena these days is fully aware of the potential for litigation. Whether you are a counselor, life care planner, case manager, researcher, nurse, or technical expert, the chances of being called to give a deposition or make a courtroom appearance increase daily. Today, the role of the rehabilitation professional is not getting any easier. With litigation more than a possibility in any disability or catastrophic illness case, rehabilitation experts, both plaintiff and defense, need to present themselves in the very best light possible.
Guide to Rehabilitation Testimony: The Expert's Role as an Educator offers something for everyone, novice and expert alike. Here are 10 comprehensive chapters of courtroom-tested procedures that work. Also provided are 11 valuable appendices. In over 23 years of working as a rehabilitation professional, Dr. Deutsch has spent thousands of hours giving testimony. Here are tried and proven methods of handling yourself and your material in a legal setting.