Thomas Piketty is a fine example of an evaluative thinker. In Capital in the Twenty-First Century, he not only provides detailed and sustained explanations of why he sees existing arguments relating to income and wealth distribution as flawed, but also gives us very detailed evaluations of the significance of a vast amount of data explaining why incomes is distributed in the ways it is.

As Piketty stresses, “the distribution question… deserves to be studied in a systematic and methodical fashion.” This stress on evaluating the significance of data leads him to focus on the central evaluative questions, and look in turn at the acceptability, relevance, and adequacy of existing justifications for the unequal distribution of wealth. In doing so, Piketty applies his understanding of the data to answering the deeply important question of what political structures and what policies are necessary to move us towards a more equal society.

Piketty’s evaluation of the data supports his argument that inequality cannot be depended on to reduce over time: indeed, without government intervention, it is highly likely to increase. In addition, he evaluates international data to argue that poor countries do not necessarily become less poor as a result of foreign investment. This strong emphasis on the interrogation of data, rather than building mathematical models that are divorced from data, is a defining feature of Piketty’s work.

chapter |6 pages

Ways In to the Text

section 1|24 pages


module 1|5 pages

The Author and the Historical Context

module 2|6 pages

Academic Context

module 3|7 pages

The Problem

module 4|5 pages

The Author’s Contribution

section 2|23 pages


module 5|6 pages

Main Ideas

module 6|6 pages

Secondary Ideas

module 7|4 pages


module 8|6 pages

Place in the Author’s Work

section 3|24 pages


module 9|7 pages

The First Responses

module 10|5 pages

The Evolving Debate

module 11|6 pages

Impact and Influence Today

module 12|5 pages

Where Next?