The selection rules of the optical transition can be derived by taking into

account the conservation of the orbital angular momentum and the decom-

position of the linear polarization into the circular polarization:

xˆ cosωt = 1

2 (xˆ+ iyˆ) cosωt+

2 (xˆ− iyˆ) cosωt , (8.5)

yˆ cosωt = 1

2i (xˆ+ iyˆ) cosωt− 1

2i (xˆ− iyˆ) cosωt , (8.6)

where xˆ(yˆ) denotes the unit vector in the x(y)-direction. Assuming |`h1〉 to be the ground hole state (namely, g`h > 0), we have the optical selection


|`h〉1 −→ 1√ 2 (|c ↑〉 − |c ↓〉) = − |e1〉 (8.7)

for the x−polarized light and

|`h〉1 −→ −i√ 2 (|c ↑〉+ |c ↓〉) = −i |e2〉 (8.8)

for the y−polarized light, respectively, where |e1〉(|e2〉) is the conduction band electron state with the spin in the −x(x) direction. The schematic energy levels are plotted in Fig. 8.1.