These lines correspond to the recombination of an electron-hole pair in the

ground state in the presence of other charges in the QD and the shift in

energy of the new transition lines is due to Coulomb interactions, including

exchange and correlation, between the carriers. At 59nW the spectrum

becomes more complex and both the X and BX lines reach a maximum

and saturate. Increasing the excitation power by about 2 orders of magni-

tude no significant change is observed in the spectra except for an increase

in the background emission. In Fig. 16.7b are plotted the integrated PL

intensities of the X and BX lines as a function of the excitation intensity.

At low excitation power, the PL intensity dependence on the laser power

P can be fitted by the relation IX,BX ∝ Pn, with n = 0.70 ± 0.05 and 1.35±0.05 for the X and BX lines, respectively. (The uncertainty on the fit

having been estimated from fitting the data from several QDs.) The fact

that the ratio of the exponents is equal to 2 (nBX/nX = 2) suggests that

the BX line corresponds to the biexciton emission: the recombination of an

exciton in the ground state of the QD in the presence of another electron-

hole pair in the ground state. The PL intensity ratio BX/X greater than 1

could be explained by the dark X state acting as a channel for depleting the

exciton state, either by non-radiative decay or by allowing additional time

for charging of the dot (following BX emission) and subsequent emission at

a different energy.