Themathematical history of electric, magnetic and EM fields reveals

five distinct periods: pre-mathematical ancient knowledge of fields,

electro-and magnetostatic fields, classical EM fields, quantum

theories and SFT. SFT is a new description of electromagnetic

interactions. At its heart are bi-spinorial motions for both the

electromagnetic fields and the interacting particles. Among its

recent successes it has solved a simple model of the hydrogen

atom, obtained an analytic estimate for the mass of the photon and

provided the first glimpse of the structure within the photon. Its

eigenstructure goes beyond that of quantum theory, adding arrays

of molecules of varying photon states that range in flexibility from

solid, liquid crystal, liquid and gas phases. The structure within the

photonmay yield an organisational structure for bosons reminiscent

of the atomic chemical table first noted by Mendeleev in 1860

via a two-dimensional array of elemental properties. The phonon

and gluon are involved in this boson organisation. The self-field

formulation obtains an analytic expression for Planck’s number,

providing a basis for its understanding as a variable of motion

applying equally to the electron, the proton and the photon. The

fields of SFT differ markedly from those of CEM and QFT. The fields

in SFT are discrete streams of photons. The photons are specified

via a bi-spinorial function as spatially and time-varying motions,

including spiral helices between the electron and proton of the

hydrogen atom. In SFT, two rotations are used to model EMmotions,

very different to its forebears. Importantly SFT is fractal, while CEM

and SFT are not; SFT is deterministic, while QFT is probabilistic.