Production and appreciation of sounds via speech and music have

long been intimate human abilities. Since ancient times acoustics

has been a rich source of scientific research. Effects due to the

speed of sound are more detectable using classical experimental

methods than the much quicker speed of light. The invention of

the phonograph and the prediction of acoustic surface waves are

testament to the role played by acoustics within physics since the

mid-1800s when Maxwell’s equations thrust light and eventually

the photon into the research spotlight. In comparison acoustics until

recently remained a classical wave theory. The wave-particle duality

of light resulted in quantum mechanics and the quantum field

theory, but the wave theory of sound dominated in the absence of

any corresponding particle theory of sonar phenomena, the phonon

being a recent development within physics. During the 20th century

various interactions have been discovered to exist between electric,

magnetic, and acoustic sources. At this time self-field theory predicts

both a theoretical and a physical unification of the phonon and

the photon. In self-field theory the phonon and the photon both

have internal structure and can react to form the gluonic fields that

mediate between the up and down quarks inside atomic nuclei. Both

the photon and phonon participate in amodified system ofMaxwell-

Lorentz equations involving the three fields, E-, H-, and acoustic

(A-) fields. Piezoelectricity, sonoluminescence, the production of

lightning, wind, and thunder by storm clouds, and the dynamics of

suns within galaxies all support this three-field theory. Biodiversity

is observed to be cyclic within the motion of the Milky Way and may

be a resonance phenomenon associated with the galactic energy
