Planet Earth is unique in our solar system, its size and the distance from the

sun allowing a crucial signiicant range of temperature and the existence

of both liquid water and water vapor. Solid water, as ice, also exists in cold

conditions, mainly near the poles and at altitudes, but Earth is dominated

by land masses between oceans and water vapor above them. Water, as we

already saw before in previous chapters of this book, is actually the key

molecule for the living. Life appeared and developed in water. Living beings

are constituted of water. Without water, a land rapidly becomes a desert with

very poor and specialized life, or without life. Water is life: take a look at

the periphery of a Chilean desert, which receives rainfall only every 10-12

years. In a matter of days it is covered by lowers (with the requisite cortege

of insects!) that last for a few weeks, the temporary ecosystem returning to

its extreme arid state for the next years. This is a natural phenomenon, but

humans can also cause an explosion of life by irrigating the desert. So, life

emerged from water and is constituted by water! We propose to successively

present here the relationships between water and life origin and emergence

from the ocean, water in biodiversity, and the major facts in terms of water

and ion metabolism before concluding.