X-raymagnetic dichroism is a spectroscopic effect encountered for X-ray scattering

in resonancewith transitions of inner shell electrons froma spin orbit split level. As

detailed in Chap. 2, one distinguishes X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD)

and X-ray magnetic linear dichroism (XMLD), depending on the polarization state

of the incident X-rays used in the experiment. These contrast mechanisms couple

to the spin and orbital momentum of electrons in matter, which give rise to a local

magnetic moment at specific atoms in the material [Sto¨hr and Siegmann (2006)].

These magneto-optic effects in the extreme ultraviolet and X-ray regime are strong

and can reach about 40% relative signal change for two different magnetization

states. From a scattering perspective, XMCD and XMLD can be described via the

dependence of the scattering factors on the local magnetic moment M. Following [Hannon et al. (1988)], the scattering factors f for resonant magnetic scattering

dipole transitions can be expressed in terms of the local magnetic moment M, and

the polarization of the incident (e) and scattered (e′) X-rays.