The gross weight of magnesium in all the seawater in the world is approximately 1,800 trillion tons. Since the world annual energy consumption is 10 billion tons in oil conversion, 1 quadrillion tons/10 billion tons = 100,000. This means that if all of the energy consumption is supplied with magnesium, it will be enough for 100,000 years. Even if humans extract magnesium from seawater for several thousand years, the density of seawater would not be affected and the recycling of magnesium would occur at the same time. It may be said that magnesium is an inexhaustible resource. The surface of the earth is covered 70% by water, and the total weight of the water is 1,400 quadrillion tons. However, freshwater, which is indispensable for human life activities and agriculture, is approximately 1.7% only. Since the ancient times humans had bloody fights over precious freshwater resources.