For the ZnO nanorod electrode fabricated by aqueous thermal decomposition, a 4 μL GOx (40 units/mg) solution with concentration of 30 mg/mL in 0.01 M phosphate buffer solution (PBS, pH 7.4) was dropped on the ZnO film. Then the electrode kept at 4°C overnight followed by an extensively washing step to remove the unimmobilized GOx. Finally, the electrode is ready for use. As for the hierarchical ZnO nanodisk electrode, the disk-like nanostructures were first ultrasonicated in 5 μL GOx solution and kept at 4°C overnight. Then the ZnO nanostructure/GOx solution was dropped onto the surface of the gold electrode to form a ZnO nanostructure film. The ZnO nanostructures were then washed carefully with the de-ionized water. Finally, a Nafion layer was used to attach the ZnO nanowires with the electrode.