The orientation of aligned ZnS nanowire bundles was first demonstrated on Si (111) with CdSe as a buffer layer by a two-step vapor deposition process [11]. The first step deposits the CdSe base and the second step forms the ZnS nanowire bundles, as seen in Fig. 1.3c. During the growth, bundles of ZnS nanowires grow on the top of a CdSe layer, which serves as a buffer between the Si (111) substrate and the nanowires. All of the ZnS nanowires are orientationally aligned, and they grow uniformly along the bundle (Fig. 1.3a, b). Each bundle maintains the fairly good facet structure and preserves the shape of the CdSe crystal top, indicating equal growth rate for all the nanowires. The SAED patterns indicate that

Figure 1.3 SEM images of ZnS nanowire bundles grown on a CdSe substrate that was first deposited on Si (111). Reproduced from J. Am. Chem. Soc., 126, pp. 14372-14373 (2004). Copyright © 2004, American Chemical Society [11].