Single-epithelial cell line models of biological barriers, such as the

intestines or the lungs, have long been accepted as in vitro predictors

of in vivo drug permeability. However, these models only reflect an

isolated part of the epithelial barrier, neglecting other cell types

integrated into the tissue in vivo, such as mucus-producing goblet

cells or cells of the innate immune system. Furthermore, these cell

lines represent the normal mucosa with intact tight junctions and

strong barrier properties and do not take into account the patho-

physiological changes happening in the case of inflammation, stress,

or other tissue damage. Thus, they are not suitable to study targeting

of drug delivery systems to diseased tissue or to investigate drug or

drug carrier permeation across the susceptible barrier. Herein we

describe a novel coculture setup of the intestinal mucosa, combining

intestinal epithelial cells with a dendritic and amacrophage cell line,

all three of human origin. The model can be advanced to a repre-

sentative of the susceptible intestinal barrier by induction of inflam-

mation with pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-1β. Forty-eight

hours after stimulation, the model demonstrates major pathophysi-

ological changes of the stressed intestinal barrier, such as decreased

barrier function and release of biomarkers of inflammation. Thera-

peutic efficacy of drugs or formulations or possible harmful effects

of xenobiotics can be monitored via measurement of transepithelial

electrical resistance, cytokine measurement, and morphological

investigations using confocal laser scanning microscopy.