So far we have reviewed various aspects of graphene junctions

with nonmagnetic electrodes and magnetoresistive junctions with

magnetic electrodes. In electronics and/or spintronics applications

of graphene, detailed study on the transport phenomena of

graphene with electrodes is inevitable. In this chapter we study the

magnetoresistive properties of graphene junctions with magnetic

electrodes, typically with iron and nickel electrodes, by using the

same numerical method applied to investigate the GMR and TMR.

We will show that the junctions produce characteristic feature of

magnetoresistance (MR) distinct from GMR and TMR. Because of

the translational symmetry along the current direction is broken, we

start with model calculations for junctions using the single-orbital

tight-binding (TB) model, the results of which may give an intuitive

understanding of the characteristic properties of the MR, and the

model is easy to include the effects of disorder. We then proceed into

the realistic junctions using the full-orbital TB model. Before going

to the calculated resultwe present a short introduction to the subject

of MR of graphene junctions.