The high-order effects include resonant tunneling, Kondo effect caused by a strong coupling, and mixed valence physics connected with the Anderson model, Fano resonance produced by the existence of resonance or non-resonance channels. In the application aspects, many interesting proposals are suggested, for example, single-electron transistors and quantum bite based on the electron spin used for quantum calculation. The spin effect also markedly influences electron transport. A quantum dot connected to source and drain leads can nicely mimic the above situation of a localized spin impurity in a Fermi sea. Hund's rule favors the filling of electrons with spin-up and spin-down in a singlet state, decreasing the interaction energy. The rearrangement of the pairing can be understood in terms of Hund's rule. Experiments found that the conductance oscillation with the gate voltage exists for a quantum dot even in the perpendicular magnetic field.