Tropical forest canopies host diverse communities of epiphytic plants that grow on branch and trunk surfaces of trees. Accessing these epiphytic communities when they are 10–80 m above the forest floor, constitutes a major challenge for biologists interested in studying epiphytes. Conventional high-tech and low-tech methods used previously might not be suitable for all forests. With the availability of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or drones there is considerable interest amount botanists, and canopy biologists can view them as a panacea to overcome several difficulties associated with collecting data on epiphytes. However, operating these drones within the complex 3-dimensional volume of a tropical forest poses numerous challenges. We have been conducting experimental and proof-of-concept flights to study epiphytic plants using quadcopter drones in the United States and Costa Rica. Based on these experiences we have developed a list of best practices that can be helpful for others interested in vertical launching of drones within complex environments such as a tropical forest. Given that numerous advances are made in drone hardware and data collection systems, some of the practices identified in this chapter have to be replaced to newer ones. However, recommendations pertaining to crew training and practice, flight time procedures, and data management practices will continue to be useful for a few years to come.