This study aimed to: 1) describe steps that were taken by a seminar to apply a Classical Model to ensure success; 2) to extend the rate of success of the seminar for the development of the teachers’ professionalism; and 3) to determine among the ten independent variables, which ones are determinants. The seminar development uses the Classical Model, which consists of five steps that are assessed for their efficiency and effectiveness. The success of the seminar and the determinant factor were measured on the basis of the data from 71 persons (out of 183 seminar teacher participants) by way of a self-rating scale. This model is proved to be efficient and effective. The analysis revealed that the success of the seminar is at a high level category. It was found there were two determinant models that affected the variables relating to the success of the seminar: provisioning received as a means to develop teachers’ professionalism, and quality of presentation and materials.