The objective of the research was to describe the chances for human resources in the industries and professions with rare expertise the fields become productive teachers of Vocational High Schools (VHS). A survey approach was used with a cross-sectional survey design. The data was collected utilizing documentation, field observation, interviews, instrument filling and answering, FGDs (focus group discussions) and seminars. The research results indicate that: (1) VHS with studies of rare expertise need productive teachers with high-level practice experience, (2) most human resources in the industries and professions with rare expertise needed by VHS are willing to be productive teachers at vocational high school as long as they do not have to quit their primary job, and (3) their chances for recruitment as productive teachers at VHS are sufficiently great. One recruiting strategy is called Bakti Negeri (‘National Dedication’), a mechanism conforming to the principles of gotong royong (‘cooperation and collaboration’) by emphasizing education as the responsibility of not only the government but also all society members. A mutually beneficial collaboration among the Government passing by Directorate of VHS Ministry of Education and Culture, LPTK (‘Institutions of Teacher Education’), and industries or professional associations.