In electronics, the nonlinear transmission line (NLTL), a one-dimensional lattice of inductors and varactors, serves as a nonlinear dispersive medium where electrical solitons can propagate in the form of voltage waves. This chapter begins with a review of the NLTL and electrical solitons and then the soliton oscillator concept. It outlines the design procedure for the soliton oscillation waveform in the oscillator. The chapter demonstrates the concepts of the soliton oscillator with three prototypes: two discrete prototypes that elucidate the operating and stabilizing principles of the soliton oscillator and one chip-scale prototype that demonstrates the viability for integrated circuit applications. It provides a summary to date of soliton oscillator work and future directions. The chapter concludes by exploring the polar opposite of a stable soliton oscillator, discussing the promotion of unruly soliton dynamics to create extreme oscillation instability, i.e., chaos.