This chapter discusses the chemical constituents and radiative properties that characterize our atmosphere and drive our climate system. Earth’s climate system is always at work; it receives, absorbs, and reflects radiative energy from the sun in higher quantities at the tropics and redistributes the heat from low to high latitudes to compensate for the lack of heat received at the poles. This transport and exchange of heat determines the global atmospheric circulation patterns and, thus, the distribution of temperature and precipitation across the globe. However, this mechanism alone cannot provide the earth with the adequate amount of heat to enable and sustain life in this planet. Instead, radiatively important gases in the earth’s atmosphere, referred to as greenhouse gases, play a key role in keeping a balance


2.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................45 2.2 Drivers of Climate and Climate Change ..................................................46 2.3 Natural Forcings .......................................................................................... 49 2.4 The Greenhouse Effect ................................................................................54 2.5 The Greenhouse Gases ................................................................................56 2.6 Concerns about Human Effects on Climate ............................................60 2.7 The Role of Particles in the Atmosphere .................................................. 61 2.8 Past and Projected Changes in Climate Forcing .....................................65