This chapter describes original data distinguishing the concepts of half-life, persistence and mineralization of chemical pollutants. Field experiments, laboratory test flasks, microcosm and plant columns were used to characterize mineralization after the application of the herbicide atrazine to four types of soil. The dry soils show lower mineralization than humid soils. The pre-treatment of soil with atrazine increased its mineralization by 8.9% after three years of the first exposure and by 45% after only one year. The determined half-life of atrazine range from 13 to 1,730 (133-fold variation). Atrazine mineralization traced by 14C-CO2 shows different results as those measured by half-life that represent the disappearance resulting from the fate of the molecule in the environment. The main influences that increase mineralization are those that contribute to energy and nutrient sources as plant exudation and straw of no tillage soil management.