As with all elements in The Death Gate Cycle, Death’s Gate is also balanced by the Seventh Gate, the physical/magical location which allowed the Sartan to cast the spells for the Sundering of the worlds. The sacrifice for the spiritual travel is that the four worlds of Air, Water, Fire, and Stone are no longer physically accessible; however, this too is a restoration of balance. The final map is found in The Hand of Chaos and shows the Nexus at the center of the four elemental worlds, as well as diagrams indicating the movement of materials and energy. These harmonic realities manifest themselves into the various partitioned realities that the readers perceive as fire, water, earth, and sky, as well as special subrealities their known as the Nexus and the Labyrinth. For Arianus, the portal is unwittingly the center of their world, as it is meant to power the very machine that keeps them alive by providing water.