This chapter focuses on design issues involved with creating ubimus applications for the browser platform. It looks at strategies for sound and music computing using Web Audio; application packaging and deployment; and cross-platform application design and provides case studies illustrating these strategies. The browser platform is a sandboxed-platform that runs web applications. The platform itself is most commonly used within native applications running on a native platform. The browser platform today provides a full-featured technology stack that covers most use cases for client-side development. They support many different media file formats for playback; asynchronous and synchronous network requests; 2D and 3D graphics rendering; performant code execution through WebAssembly; I/O processing with audio and MIDI hardware; installation to the desktop through Progressive Web Applications; etc. The chapter also focuses on three primary concerns for ubimus and the browser: ways to distribute our application, how to implement the sound and music computing needs for our program, and degree of dependency on the platform.