The use of computer-based tools is becoming increasingly frequent in blended learning environments to interact with students, evaluate their learning capacity, and provide educational materials. With help from these digital resources, students can acquire the technical skills related to their university degree but also those more generally related to digital literacy. Through computer-based feedback it is also possible to foster the students' self-regulated learning. However, some authors have noted that using e-learning tools does not guarantee per se the quality of the learning system. So it is necessary to design an adequate learning strategy. Based on these considerations, a learning strategy supported by computer-based tools has been designed as a pilot experience in the area of economics and finance. The aim of the learning strategy was to foster self-assessment inside and outside the classroom in order to improve students' achievement and engagement with the subject. Specifically, the self-assessment activities were carried out with the gamification tool Plickers and the tool test of the Moodle platform. Two main conclusions have been drawn from this pilot experience: The first one is that the learning strategy had a positive impact on students' achievement and engagement, and the second one is that ensuring the flexibility of the strategy and ongoing feedback were very important elements of the learning strategy.