Kampong Glam Community Club became the group’s new home in 2008 and that same year, the name “The Glowers Drama Group” in Mandarin was formalised. Information on their webpage says that “the primary aim of the group is to provide a platform for seniors to showcase their talent, stay mentally and physically alert and active, and expand their social network”. The Glowers is a registered company with a club-like structure. The Glowers has an average of 50 members aged between 50 and 85. Seniors join the group because they have heard about The Glowers through word of mouth or after reading about them in the media. The Glowers have two very distinct repertoires: simple plays performed by less experienced actors for the residents of Kampong Glam and those that are staged at festivals. The first major production for The Glowers was Live It Up in 2008 a commissioned musical about active ageing.