India has for long been full of exceptional peoples, making meaningless the notion of “state of exception”. There is not one paradigm of exception. The pathway of one microbial pathology is different from that of any other. In recent years, due in part to farming practices, micro-organisms which used to live apart came together and started exchanging genetic material, sometimes just fragments of DNA and RNA. The power of “forsakenness” is unlike abandonments constituted by the absence of particular things with respect to each other. This forsakenness demands, as the people found with Deleuze, that they attend to each life as precious, while knowing at the same time that in the communities of the forsaken the people can experience the call of the forsaken individual life which they alone can attend to. Elsewhere, the people have called the experience of call of the forsaken, and the possible emergence of its community from the end of metaphysics and of hypophysics, “anastasis”.