Through Ava’s life story, an elderly adult living with her adult daughter, the characteristics and nuances of resilience in the older adult are explored. First, the term “older adult” is defined using a chronological lens. Then, general characteristics associated with older adults and ageing are presented in a way that the authors hope will help to demystify this life period. In the second part of the chapter, determinants of resilience in the older adult are described: personal characteristics, quality of attachments, beliefs and temporality. It is suggested that such determinants of resilience participate in the adaptation to the ageing process. The authors also emphasize the difference between resilience and successful ageing, a concept which has often been associated with performance and good health and has devalued older adults who do not meet such criteria. Finally, a narrative therapy technique, namely Life Review, is presented as a way to foster resilience in the older adult, and thus adaptation to the ageing process.