In this chapter we will discuss the localized approach for neurofeedback practice using the standardized low resolution tomography algorithm as applied to patients suffering from post-traumatic syndrome. PTSD is a chronic, severe and disabling mental disorder resulting from the exposure to specific, prolonged or a series of threatening events in which the individual experiences intense anxiety due to immediate danger to one’s self or exposure to other people’s injury, suffering and death. Providing a relief for these people’s suffering is a major concern in most of the modern citizen and military healthcare systems. In this chapter we will use the neuropsychological theoretical framework for the understanding of PTSD suggesting that these symptoms are the cognitive and behavioral consequences of post-traumatic altered functioning of the fronto-temporal limbic network. In our discussion we put an emphasis on the amygdale and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) and their connectivity properties. We will suggest an improved approach to the traditional alpha-theta neurofeedback practice by a localized tomographic neurofeedback that is based on the advanced EEG standardized low resolution tomographic method (sLORETA). Having the patient practice the localized brain activity in the vmPFC at the theta band power we expected the resetting of the frontotemporal limbic network to a more healthy state providing the patient with anticipated symptoms relief. We present the case of one patient suffering from PTSD resistant to other treatments who was practicing sLORETA neurofeedback treatment. This patient’s intrusion symptoms were improved after 22 sLORETA neurofeedback meetings. Furthermore, we demonstrated executive function and memory tasks performance improvement after the last session compared to baseline.