Medication influences brainwave amplitude and power (Meckley & Kaiser, 2012). Three cases are presented in which the clients developed symptoms when coming off their medications. In a third case, the client developed worsening symptoms that did not remit when they discontinued the drug. In one case a client developed a tic when trying to discontinue Strattera. In the second, the client developed more severe restless legs syndrome resulting is very poor sleep when coming off her last dose of Hydrocodone. In the third case use of Wellbutrin was associated with worsening of depressive symptoms which remained worse off Wellbutrin. After four to six sessions of surface 19-channel z-score training (19 ZNF), the first two clients were able to discontinue their medications without a resumption of their post withdrawal symptoms. The third client required 20 sessions. Possible reasons for the effectiveness of 19 ZNF are explored. 19 ZNF may be a way of treating post-withdrawal symptoms.