Because of the homophobia manifested by health care providers, gay men have had to exercise extra prudence in the selection of their physician to avoid “second class” medical care. The persistence of negative attitudes of caretakers towards gay men is evident in the interaction between the physician and her/his gay male patient. These negative attitudes are manifested in a range of behaviors, from overt rejection to benign neglect. To avoid this deleterious experience, some gay men will withhold pertinent information which subsequently interferes with the physician’s ability to make an appropriate diagnosis. The AIDS epidemic has led to a confrontation of the health system by gay activists and AIDS service organizations, ushering in the start of more positive attitudes and behaviors towards gay men with HIV or AIDS. Possible solutions to these shameful occurrences with the health system are discussed. [Article copies available from The Haworth Document Delivery Service: 1-800-342-9678.]