This chapter presents field-theoretic methods and discusses three well-known "pictures" or representations used in discussing quantum mechanical problems. It explores how to build up the true one-electron and one-phonon Green's functions as a perturbation series involving the corresponding functions for the non-interacting system. In elementary discussions of quantum mechanics one usually works in the "Schrodinger picture" in which the dynamical variables are taken to be time independent so that the wave function contains the time dependence of the problem. The one-electron Green's function gives information about the spin and charge densities and the momentum distribution of the electrons as well as information about the excitation spectrum of the system. When the system consists only of fermions interacting via an instantaneous two-body potential, the one-particle Green's function also suffices to determine the ground-state energy of the system. The electrical conductivity, magnetic susceptibility, and many other non-equilibrium properties can be obtained from the two-particle Green's function.