The different stages in the lobster fattening operation include selection of site and setting up of needed tanks (for fattening lobsters), stocking them with juvenile lobsters, management of tank water parameters, feeding, tracking of moulting, studying growth rate and adopting measures to prevent and control disease incidence in lobsters. Judicious stocking rate will not only improve growth rate but will also have a major effect on the overall cost of production. However, they require higher oxygen levels at night as they normally feed and undergo moulting during this time. It is seen that lobsters fed on mussels put on weight of flesh well comparable with other feeds. The feeding rate with mussels or with clams can be almost similar, although mussel-fed lobsters were seen to have a slightly better growth rate than clam-fed ones. Reduction in feeding rate for any reason (such as shortage of feed) may lead to cannibalism among newly moulted animals.