This chapter explains the key principles in the management of complex pediatric colorectal diagnoses. It provides case-based presentations, radiographic images, operative images with Multiple Choice Questions to test knowledge. The chapter presents a case study of neonatal evaluation of a child with ARM. A 36-week gestation newborn female infant is being cared for in the neonatal unit. The infant is distended and the nursing staff report frothing/bubbles coming from the mouth. This is the plain abdominal radiograph taken just after birth. The child has an anorectal malformation on clinical examination and a doughy abdominal wall. The child has not passed urine. The radiograph demonstrates a large opacity within the abdomen. The radiograph reveals several abnormalities: Esophageal atresia with a distal TEF, Sacral anomaly and Large fluid-filled mass in the abdomen, which is likely to represent a hydrocolpos.