Visual management is the key to running a lean assembly line. It reduces the amount of firefighting and provides real-time information on the progress of the line. The key to visual management is creativity. We use visual aids every day and they become so commonplace that we sometimes forget they are even there. Imagine what it would be like driving to work every day without road signs, speed limits, road dividers, turn lanes, turn signals, off-ramp signs, and the many other visual aids we use on the road. A manufacturing floor should be set up to run on its own and allow management and engineers to react to the visual aids. Visual management is typically associated with making production information visually available in order to track progress. However, it does far more than just track progress. Visual management is about having the appropriate signals and queues that allow the manufacturing process to operate on its own, directed by people only when required. Day four is dedicated to implementing visual management into the line. Figure 11.1 shows the required items for day four.