
The U.S.A. has one of the safest food systems and best health care in the world.

People are living longer than ever before. Life expectancy averages 75 and 78.5

years for males and females, respectively. However, these long-living individuals

are susceptible to debilitating chronic and long-term illnesses such as vision

impairment, diabetes blindness, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, Parkinson’s, Alzhei-

mer’s, and cancer. There are few effective treatments and no real cures, and health

care costs for these diseases are rising. At the same time, most Americans under-

stand the link between diet and health. Individuals seeking cost-effective and

improved health status also understand that choosing a good diet and using dietary

supplements are two of the most important achievable options. The majority of these

individuals are turning to some special types of food.