As we have seen before, the general driven wave equation for the electromagnetic four-potential is


One of the most fundamental properties of the wave equation is the fact that it is linear: if we know the solutions for two different four-current sources,



then, the solution for a linear superposition of sources is also known;


Now, we can express any four-current as a linear superposition of deltafunctions:


Therefore, the solution to the wave equation driven by a delta-function is of particular importance, as we can write, in the Lorentz gauge,


Aµ µ0 jµ+ ∂ µ ∂νAν( ).=


A1 µ µ0 j1µ+ ∂ µ ∂νA1ν( ),=

A2 µ µ0 j2µ+ ∂ µ ∂νA2ν( ),=

λ1A1µ λ2A2µ+( ) µ0 λ1 j1µ λ2 j2µ+( )+ ∂ µ ∂ν λ1A1µ λ2A2µ+( )[ ].=

jµ xλ( ) jµ xλ( )δ4 xλ xλ-( ) d4x.∫∫∫∫=

G xλ xλ-( ) µ0δ4 xλ xλ-( )+ 0,=

and the general solution to the wave equation, with an arbitrary four-current source is


The solution is known as the Green function or propagator for the linear wave equation under consideration.