In 1959, Nobel award winner Richard Feynman rst proposed the seminal idea of nanotechnology by suggesting the development of molecular machines. Ever since, the scienti c community has investigated the role that nanotechnology can play in every aspect of society. e intrigue of nanotechnology comes from the ability to control material properties by assembling such materials at the nanoscale. e tunable material properties that nanotechnology can provide were stated in Norio Taniguchi’s paper in 1974 where the term “nanotechnology” was rst used in a scienti c publication (Taniguchi 1974). Nanotechnology has achieved tremendous progress in the past several decades. Recently, nanomaterials, which are materials with basic structural units, grains, particles, bers, or other constituent components smaller than 100 nm in at least one dimension (Siegel and Fougere 1995), have evoked a great amount of attention for improving disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.