Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 112 Laparoscopic Approach to Gastric C ancer .......................................................................112 Laparoscopic Staging o f Gastric C a n cer ........................................................................ 114 Operative Procedure, Preoperative Considerations, Patient E v alu ation .................115 Operative T echnique........................................................................................................... 116 Postoperative C a r e ............................................................................................................... 121 C onclusion ............................................................................................................................. 121

The laparoscopic surgery revolution has resulted from the development o f new techniques and technologies which allow the performance of increasingly com­ plex procedures. While gastric resection for cancer has not been embraced with such enthusiasm as removal of other abdominal viscera, this may be a reflection o f the relative rarity of this disease in the West. However, a number of groups have undertaken subtotal or total gastrectomy, albeit in small series of patients. Goh et al1 surveyed advanced laparoscopic surgeons and identified a total of 118 laparo­ scopic gastrectomies performed prior to November 1994. In 46 (38% ) o f these cases, the indication for surgery was gastric cancer. This report included our early cases and established the feasibility o f laparoscopic gastrectomy. This chapter out­ lines our appraisal of the current role of laparoscopy-both diagnostic and thera­ peutic-in the management of gastric cancer.