The March Hare, in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

Yes, Virginia, there is a cloud vendor called Google.

They’re a very large cloud vendor.

No one knows for sure, but it is believed that Google manages one of the two or three largest server farms in the world. For a long time, all its content was made available free; it was entirely advertising-supported. Its servers were proprietary and used only by Google. Recently, it has begun making its infrastructure available to others, for a fee. Its first widely-marketed offering was Google Apps for Business, priced simply at $50 per head per year, which includes a bundle of services, such as e-mail and cloud storage. It operates a plethora of popular services, among them Google Maps, Google Finance, and Google Voice. More recently, it has introduced Google App Engine, and in its own unique way, it is now a general cloud services provider.