The quaternary system is also known as the Radix 4 base number system. The following examples are random and non-random compressed and non-compressed quaternary sequential strings.

Non-compressed quaternary non-random sequential string. Example A: [111000222111000222] Compressed Non-compressed non-random quaternary sequential string. Example A: [1 0 2 1 0 2] Non-compressed quaternary random sequential string. Example B: [1111002222211]

Compressed quaternary random sequential string. Example B: [1 0 2 1] Non-compressed quaternary random and non-random sequential string. Example C: [111000222111000022222] Compressed quaternary random sequential string. Example C: [1 0 2 1 0]

As with the other radix based number systems, the quaternary system can be used on both non-random and random sequential strings. The distribution is higher in the infi nite sequential string rather than the fi nite string.