Luna is no longer alone in the surface world . She is surrounded by collectable objects, which we can spawn in vast amounts . As you know, many similar objects could be introduced into our game, such as additional characters, obstacles, or items . Until now, our collectables have been generically spawned and exist only for the purpose of one-time collisions . However, there is much more that we can do with the objects in our game . To unleash their full potential, we need to start identifying and keeping track of our objects over time . This will allow them to be a long-term part of the game . Imagine introducing things like special items, pieces of equipment, or extra heroes into your game . These kinds of objects need to stick around and play a role in our game long after the first time they are encountered . To explore how we can manage our in-game objects over time, this challenge will involve creating an inventory for Luna to store her collected objects in .