Structured Query Language (SQL) Server is a powerful, easy-to-use relational database management system that runs on Windows-based computers ranging in size from a laptop to a dedicated database server. The SQL Server Management Studio makes it easy for DBAs to create databases with their associated tables and columns, as well as Referential Integrity constraints and additional Indexes where needed. In addition, SQL Server supports advanced features ranging from managing security based on roles to database failover should the database or server fail.

The current chapter shows in detail how to use SQL Server to

Install a trial version of SQL Server

Create a new database

Define tables and their associated columns

Create Referential Integrity constraints

Create indexes and views

Create a stored procedure

Creating roles for users and associating user accounts to those roles

Loading data into tables

Automating database backup operations

Instructions are included for creating the University database discussed in Chapter 4 as well as the SQLSvrLogs database discussed in Chapters 8 and 11.