That, when hee first began, his vayne in verse to showe More sweete then honie, was the stile, that from his penne

did flowe. Wherewith, in youthe he used to bannishe idle fittes; That nowe, his workes of endlesse fame, delighte the worthie

wittes. No haulting verse hee writes, but matcheth former times, No Cherillus,1 he can abide, nor Poëttes patched rimes. What volume hath hee writte that rest among his frendes, Which needes no other praise at all, eche worke it selfe

comendes. So, that hee famous lives, at home, and farre, and neare; For those that live in other landes, of SIDNEYS giftes doe

heare. And such as MUSES serve, in darkenes meere doe dwell; If that they have not seene his workes, they doe so farre excell. Wherefore, for to extoll his name in what I might, This Embleme lo, I did present, unto this worthie Knight.