Myronsaure /myronic acid Myrosin n myrosin (an enzyme occurring in various

brassicaceous plants) Myrrhe /, Myrrhenharz n myrrh gum (a gum resin

from Commiphora specc.) Myrrhenol n myrrh oil (from Commiphora specc.) Myrtenal n myrtenal, 2-formyl-6,6-dimethyl-2-nor-

pinene Myrtenol n myrtle oil (from Myrtus communis L.) Myrtensaure f myrtenic acid, 6,6-dimethyl-2-nor-

pinene-2 -carboxylic acid Myrtenwachs n s. Myrikatalg Myrtol n myrtol (a fraction of myrtle oil distilling

between 160 and 180 °C) Myzel n (biol) mycelium Myzeldecke f (biot) mycelium layer Myzelfilter n (biot) mycelium filter myzelgebunden (biot) mycelium-bound Myzelkugeln fpl s. Myzelpellets Myzelmasse f (biot) mycelial weight Myzelpellets npl (biot) mycelial (mycelium) pellets Myzelschicht f (biot) mycelium cake Myzelsuspension f (biot) mycelial suspension Myzeltrockenmasse f, Myzeltrockensubstanz f

(biot) mycelial dry weight Myzelwasche f (biot) mycelial wash

N0 s. Avogadro-Zahl Na s. Avogadro-Konstante NAA s. Neutronenaktivierungsanalyse Na-Austauscher m s. Natriumaustauscher nachappretieren (text) to resize Nachappretur f (text) additional finish, resizing Nachascher m (tann) fresh lime Nachauflaufbehandlung f (agric) post-emergence

treatment Nachauflaufherbizid n (agric) post-emergence

herbicide Nachbaratom n neighbouring (adjacent) atom Nachbareffekt m (phot) adjacency effect Nachbargruppenbeteiligung /neighbouring group

participation Nachbargruppeneffekt m neighbouring effect Nachbarmolekul n neighbouring (adjacent) mole­

cule Nachbarschaftshaufigkeit f (bioch) frequency of

neighbouring, nearest-neighbour [sequence] fre­ quency (of purine and pyrimidine bases)

Nachbarschaftshaufigkeitsbestimmung f near­ est-neighbour base sequencing, nearest-neighbour base-frequency analysis

nachbarstandig vicinal, adjacent, neighbouring Nachbarstellung f vicinal (adjacent, neighbouring)

position nachbearbeiten (tech) to finish Nachbearbeitung f (tech) finishing]

nachbehandeln to aftertreat, to re-treat Nachbehandlung /aftertreatment, re-treatment,

secondary treatment, post-treatment, curing, cure ~ mit Dampf steam-curing (of concrete) ~ mit Doktorlauge (Doktorldsung) (petrol) doctor

treatment (sweetening) ~/reduktive (text) reduction clearing Nachbehandlungsfarbstoff m aftertreated dye nachbeliiften (hyd) to post-aerate Nachbeluftung f (hyd) post-aeration nachbessern (tann) to mend (the lime liquor)] to

feed [in] (tanning agents) nachbilden/sich to recover (as of isotopes) Nachbildung f recovery (as of isotopes) nachblasen (met) to after-blow Nachblasen n (met) after-blow Nachbleiche /final bleaching Nachblutenspritzung / (agric) post-blossom spray Nachbrand m (ceram) refiring Nachbrecher m secondary crusher nachbrennen (ceram) to refire nachchloren (hyd) to post-chlorinate nachchlorieren (org ch, pap, text) to post-

chlorinate, to after-chlorinate Nachchlorierung / (org ch, pap, text) post-chlori­

nating, post-chlorination, after-chlorination Nachchlorung / (hyd) post-chlorination, final chlo­

rination nachchromieren (text) to after-chrome Nachchromierfarbstoff m (text) after-chrome dye,

top chrome dye, chrome-developed dye nachchromiert (text) after-chromed, chrome-

topped Nachchromierung / (text) after-chroming, top-

chroming Nachchromierungsfarbstoff m s. Nachchromier­

farbstoff Nachchromier[ungs]verfahren n after-chrome

dyeing process, top chrome dyeing process nachdecken (text) to fill up, to top nachdiazotieren to rediazotize nachdosieren to make up Nachdosierung / make-up nachdunkeln to darken Nachenthartung / (hyd) final softening ~ mit Trinatriumphosphat two-stage hot lime-soda

phosphate treatment nachentwickeln (phot) to redevelop Nachentwicklung / (phot) redevelopment Nachfallung / post-precipitation, after-precipitation,

delayed precipitation nachfarben to redye, to top (one component in

textile-fibre mixtures) Nachfarbung / redyeing, topping, cross dyeing (of

one component in textile-fibre mixtures) Nachfaulbecken n, Nachfaulbehalter m (hyd)

secondary digestion tank Nachfiltration / post-filtration Nachflotation / second-stage floatation

Nachfullbahn f (bioch) anaplerotic sequence nachfiillen to replenish, to fill up, to refill Nachfulldsung f (phot) replenisher [solution] Nachfulltechnik f (chromat) refill technique Nachfullung f replenishment, filling-up, refilling] Nachgarung f secondary fermentation nachgeben 1 . to relax, to yield (as by an applied

stress)] 2 . to supply, to add nachgefallt post-precipitated nachgerben to retan, to fill Nachgerbung f retannage, filling Nachgeschmack m aftertaste Nachgiebigkeit /give; (text) compliance; (tann) run

(of leather) -/elastische (text) elastic compliance; (rubber)

[elastic] resilience Nachgiebigkeitsverhaltnis n (text) compliance

ratio Nachglimmen n, Nachgliihen n afterglow NachguB m (ferm) sparge liquor nachharten (plast) to after-bake Nachhartung f (plast) after-bake, post-cure Nachheizung fs. Nachvulkanisation Nachklarbecken n (hyd) secondary clarifier (tank),

secondary sedimentation (settling) tank, final clarifier (settling tank)

~ einer Belebtschlammanlage activated-sludge final settling tank

~ einer Tropfkorperanlage humus tank Nachklarbeckenablauf m, NachklarbeckenabfluB

m (hyd) secondary [clarifier] effluent Nachklarbeckenschlamm m (hyd) secondary

[sedimentation] sludge, sludge from the final clarifier

Nachklarer m s. Nachklarbecken Nachklarschlamm m s. Nachklarbeckenschlamm Nachklarung f (hyd) secondary settling, final clari­

fication Nachkristallisation f after-crystallization, post­

crystallization, secondary crystallization Nachkuhlung f aftercooling, secondary cooling nachkupfern to aftercopper Nachkupferung /aftercoppering, copper after-

treatment nachlassen to die down (away), to quieten down,

to subside (of a reaction) Nachlauf m l. (distil) tailing[s], tail[s], foots, back

end, (esp petrol) heavy ends; 2 . (sugar) wash syrup

Nachlaufdelle /wake (rheology) Nachleuchten n afterglow - im abklingenden stromenden Plasma flowing

afterglow, FAG Nachmehl n (food) middlings Nachozon[is]ierung f (hyd) post-ozonation Nachperiode f final period, post-period (in calori­

metric measurements) Nachpolymerisation f post-polymerization Nachprodukt n (sugar) after-product

Nachproduktfullmasse f (sugar) final (third-grade) massecuite, C massecuite

Nachproduktzucker m C sugar nachprufen to recheck Nachprufung f recheck nachreifen to cure (as of superphosphate) Nachreifen n curing, cure (as of superphosphate) Nachreinigung f (hyd) advanced (tertiary) waste

treatment, third-stage treatment nachsalzen (tann) to resalt Nachsaturation f (sugar) final saturation Nachsaulenderivatisierung f (chromat) post­

column derivatization nachschaumen (glass) to reboil Nachscheidung f (sugar) redefecation Nachschwaden m (mine) after-damp (after explo­

sions of firedamp) Nachschwinden n (ceram) aftershrinkage, after­

contraction; (plast) aftershrinkage, postmoulding deformation

Nachschwingung f (spectr) wiggle Nachseifen n (text) soaping aftertreatment nachsetzen to slip (a Soderberg electrode) Nachsetzvorrichtung /slipping device (for Soder-

berg electrodes) nachsintern to resinter nachsortieren to rescreen Nachsortierer m secondary (second, fine) screen Nachsortierung f secondary (fine) screening,

rescreening Nachspulbad n (text) clearing bath nachspulen to [re]rinse, to rewash Nachspulen n [re]rinsing, [re]rinse, rewashing Nachspulmittel n rinsing agent, rinse Nachtcreme / night cream nachtonen to tint, to tone Nachtrockenzylinder m, Nachtrockner m after­

dryer Nachturm m (pap) weak[-acid] tower (of a two-

tower system) nachverarbeiten to reprocess Nachverbrennung /afterburning (of pollutants in

waste gas) Nachverbrennungskammer f (pap) combustion

chamber nachverdichten 1 . to further consolidate; 2 . to seal

(in anodic oxidation) Nachverformung fs. Nachschwinden Nachverstrecken n (text) after-stretching, post­

stretching Nachvulkanisation f (rubber) aftercure, aftervul­

canization, post-vulcanization, post-cure ~ im Ofen post-oven cure nachvulkanisch postvolcanic Nachwachsen n (ceram) afterexpansion nachwaschen to rewash nachwassern (phot) to rewash Nachweis m detection, identification, [confirmatory,

reaffirming] test ~ selektierter lonen multiple ion detection, MID

nachweisbar detectable Nachweisbarkeit /detectability Nachweisempfindiichkeit / *sensitivity, detection

sensitivity nachweisen to detect, to identify, to reaffirm the

presence (of a substance) Nachweisgerat n detection device Nachweisgrenze f detection (identification) limit,

minimum detection (detectable) limit (level), MDL, lower detection limit

-/absolute absolute detection limit -/relative relative detection limit -/untere s. Nachweisgrenze Nachweislinien fpl (spectr) persistent (ultimate)

lines, raies ultimes Nachweismethode / detection method, method of

detection -/elektrochemische electrochemical method of

detection Nachweismittel n[/chemisches] s. Nachweisrea-

gens Nachweisreagens n analytical reagent, A. R.,

detection agent Nachweisreaktion /detection (test) reaction Nachweisschwelle /detection threshold Nachweisverfahren n detection technique Nachweisvermogen n power of detection (of an

analytical procedure) Nachwirkung / residual action; residual effect,

aftereffect -/elastische elastic aftereffect, delayed elasticity,

memory effect Nachwurze / (food) afterwort, last wort Nachzuckerfullmasse fs. Nachproduktfullmasse NAD s. Nicotinsaureamid-adenin-dinucleotid Nadel fs. Nadelkristall NadelausreiBfestigkeit / (rubber) stitch-tear

strength, needle-tear resistance NadelausreiBprufung f (rubber) stitch-tear test NadelausreiBwiderstand m s. NadelausreiBfestig­

keit Nadeleisenerz n (min) goethite, gothite (iron

hydroxide oxide) nadelformig needle-like, needle-shaped, acicular Nadelholz n softwood, coniferous wood Nadelholzzellstoff m softwood pulp nadelig s. nadelformig Nadelkristall m needle, [crystal] whisker NadelpunktanguB m (plast) pinpoint (pinhole) gate Nadelstich m (ceram, coat) pinhole (a defect) Nadelventil n needle valve Nadel verfahren n (cosmet) ecuelle method (for

expressing lemon oil) Nadelwarmeaustauscher m, Nadelwarmeuber-

trager m bayonet-tube heat exchanger Na-D-Linie /sodium D line NADP s. Nicotinsaureamid-adenin-dinucleotidphos-

phat Nagelfang m (pap) button trap (catcher)

Nagelhautentferner m (cosmet) cuticle remover Nagellack m (cosmet) nail lacquer Nagellackentferner m (cosmet) nail lacquer

remover Nageln n diesel knock Nagelpflegemittel n (cosmet) manicure prepara­

tion Nagelpoliermittel n, Nagelpolitur / (cosmet) nail

polish Nagetiergift n rodenticide Naherung / approximation -/Bornsche Born approximation (for computing

wave functions) -/quasistationare (phys ch) steady-state approxi­

mation Naherungsformel /approximate formula Naherungsverfahren n approximation method,

approximate procedure -/empirisches trial-and-error procedure Naherungswert m approximate value Nahordnung /, Nahordnungsgrad m short-range

[crystalline] order Nahragar m(n) nutrient agar Nahrboden m[/fester] (biot) [solid] nutrient medium Nahrbouillon /nutrient broth Nahrcreme f (cosmet) nourishing cream, skin food Nahrelement n s. Nahrstoffelement nahren to nourish Nahrflussigkeit /nutrient broth Nahrhefe /nutritional (food) yeast Nahrhumus m friable (nutritive) humus Nahrlosung /nutrient solution (for higher plants)]

(biot) liquid nutrient medium, nutrient broth • in - kultiviert solution-grown

-/komplexe complex nutrient solution - nach Hoagland Hoagland solution - nach Johnson Johnson solution - nach Knop Knop solution -/verbrauchte spent medium (broth) Nahrmedium n (biot) nutrient medium, nutritive

(culture, growth) medium, substrate -/festes s. Nahrboden -/fliissiges s. Nahrlosung -/komplexes complex [nutrient] medium -/kiinstliches (synthetisches) synthetic medium Nahrsalz n nutrient salt Nahrstoff m nutrient [substance], nutritive, food­

stuff -/akzessorischer (food) minor nutrient -/entbehrlicher (agric) non-essential element -/limitierender limiting nutrient -/unentbehrlicher (agric) essential element Nahrstoff an reicherung /nutrient enrichment Nahrstoff anspruche mpl s. Nahrstoffbedarf nahrstoff arm poor in nutrients, (soil also) infertile Nahrstoffarmut /nutrient deficiency (lack), (soil

also) infertility Nahrstoffaufnahme / nutrient uptake (adsorption) Nahrstoffausnutzung /nutrient utilization

Nahrstoffauswaschung /nutrient elution (leach-

requirements Nahrstoffbilanz / nutrient balance Nahrstoffelement n (agric) nutrient (food) element Nahrstoffeliminierung /, Nahrstoffentfernung /

(hyd) nutrient removal (from waste water) Nahrstoffentzug m nutrient withdrawal NahrstofffluB m (biot) nutrient flow, feed stream Nahrstoffgehalt m nutrient content, (if expressed

in percentage N -P20 5 -K2Oi) fertilizer analysis, grade; (hyd) nutrient level (in waste water)

Nahrstoffkreislauf m nutrient cycle Nahrstofflinie / nutrient line (in the periodic table) Nahrstoff mangel m nutrient deficiency (lack),

(agric also) starvation Nahrstoffmangelerscheinung / (agric) nutrient

deficiency symptom Nahrstoffnachlieferung /nutrient supply nahrstoffreich nutritious, rich in nutrients, (soil

also) fertile Nahrstoffreichtum m nutritiousness, (soil also)

fertility Nahrstoffreserve / nutrient reserve Nahrstoffruckwanderung /nutrient remigration Nahrstoffspeicher m (bioch) nutritional reservoir Nahrstofftrager m nutrient carrier (in fertilizers) Nahrstoffverhaltnis n nutrient ratio Nahrstoffverlust m nutrient loss Nahrstoffverlagerung / (bot) nutrient displacement

(translocation) Nahrstoffversorgung / nutrient supply Nahrstoffvorrat m nutrient reserve Nahrstoffzufuhr / nutrient supply Nahrstoffzugabe / (hyd) nutrient addition (biologi­

cal sewage treatment) Nahrsubstrat n s. Nahrmedium Nahrung / food, diet, nourishment NahrungseiweiB n food protein Nahrungsfett n dietary fat, edible (food) fat Nahrungskette / food chain Nahrungslipid n dietary lipid Nahrungslockstoff m food lure (as for insect

control) Nahrungsmittel n food[stuff], nourishment Nahrungsmittelchemie / food chemistry Nahrungsmittelindustrie / food[-processing]

industry, foodstuff (provisions) industry Nahrungsmittelvergiftung /food poisoning Nahrungsprotein n food protein Nahrwert m nutritional quality (value), nutrient

(food) value Naht / seam -/geschweiBte weld Nahtstelle / der Form (plast) mould-parting line Nahwirkungskraft f (phys ch) short-range force Nakrit m (min) nacrite (a phyllosilicate) Nalixidinsaure / (bioch) nalixidic acid N-Alkylierung /N-alkylation, nitrogen alkylation

Name m (nomencl) name, term -/additiver additive name -/allgemeiner generic (non-proprietary) name -/falscher misnomer -/funktioneller functional name -/generischer s. -/allgemeiner -/Genfer Geneva name -/geschiitzter proprietary name -/halbsystematischer (halbtrivialer) semisystem-

atic (semitrivial) name -/kommerzieller trade (commercial) name -/konjunktiver conjunctive name ~/nach dem Ring-lndex gebildeter Ring Index

name ~/nach den lUPAC-Regeln gebildeter IUPAC

name ~ nach Patterson Patterson name -/nicht geschiitzter s. -/allgemeiner -/nichtsystematischer s. -/trivialer -/offizieller official (approved) name -/radikofunktioneller radicofunctional name -/rationeller (systematischer) systematic name -/trivialer (unsystematischer) trivial (unsystematic)

name -/zusammengesetzter conjunctive name Namengebung / (nomencl) naming Namenreaktion /name reaction Nametkin-Umlagerung /Nametkin rearrangement

(of a carbenium ion by migration of a methyl group) NANA = A/-Acetylneuraminsaure Nanogrammbereich m (anal) nanogram range

( W ^ to 10-6 g) Nanomol n nanomole Napalm n napalm Napfmanschette /cup [ring] Naphtha n(f) 1. [heavy] naphtha (boiling range 150

to 210 °C)\ 2. s. Erdol -/leichtes light gasoline (naphtha) Naphthacen n naphthacene, 2,3-benzanthracene Naphthalen n naphthalene -/durch Abpressen gereinigtes hot-pressed

naphthalene -/durch Zentrifugieren gereinigtes whizzed naph­

thalene -/hochgereinigtes pure flake naphthalene Naphthalencarbonsaure / naphthalenecarboxylic

acid, naphthoic acid Naphthalendampf m naphthalene vapour Naphthalendicarbonsaure / naphthalenedicar-

boxylic acid Naphthalendisulfonsaure / naphthalenedisul-

phonic acid Naphthalenol n naphthalene oil Naphthalenpfanne /naphthalene tray Naphthalenreihe / naphthalene series Naphthalensulfochlorid n naphthalene sulphonyl

chloride Naphthalensulfonsaure / naphthalenesulphonic


Naphthalensulfonylchlorid n s. Naphthalensulfo-

chlorid Naphthalen-2-thiol n naphthalene-2-thiol Naphthalin n s. Naphthalen Naphthalin[indol]indigo m(n) (dye) naphthindigo Naphthalol n naphthalol, betol, 2-naphthyl salicy­

late Naphthalsaure fnaphthalic acid, naphthalene-1,8 -

dicarboxylic acid Naphthan n s. Decahydronaphthalen Naphthen n naphthene, cycloalkane, cyclane,

cycloparaffin naphthenartig naphthenic Naphthenat n naphthenate Naphthenbasis f naphthene base (of a crude oil)

• auf ~ naphthene-based Naphthenbasisol n, Naphthenerdol n naphthene-

base petroleum (crude oil), naphthenic petro­ leum

naphthenisch naphthenic Naphthenol n s. Naphthenbasisol Naphtensaure f naphthenic acid Naphth[indol]indigo m(n) (dye) naphthindigo Naphthionsaure fnaphthionic acid, 1-naphthyl-

amine-4-sulphonic acid a-Naphthochinolin n s. 7,8-Benzochinolin P-Naphthochinolin n s. 5,6-Benzochinolin Naphthochinon n naphthoquinone Naphthoesaure f naphthoic acid, naphthalenecar-

boxylic acid Naphth-1-ol n, 1-Naphthol n naphth-1-ol,

1 -hydroxynaphthalene a-Naphthol n s. Naphth-1-ol Naphtholblauschwarz n B naphthol blue black B Naphtholdisulfonsaure f naphtholdisulphonic acid Naphtholgelb n S naphthol (sulphur) yellow S, acid

yellow 1 Naphtholkomponente f naphthol component a-Naphtholorange n a-naphthol orange, orange I,

sodium-azo-a-naphthol sulphanilate Naphtholpech n naphthol pitch Naphtholsulfonsaure f naphtholsulphonic acid |3-Naphtholsulfonsaure f s. Naphth-2-ol-7-sulfon-

saure Naphth-1 -ol-4-sulfonsaure f naphth-1 -ol-4-sul-

phonic acid, *4-hydroxynaphthalenesulphonic acid, Nevile-Winther acid, NW acid

Naphth-2-ol-6-sulfonsaure f naphth-2-ol-6-sulphonic acid, * 6 -hydroxynaphthalene-2 -sulphonic acid, Schaffer acid

Naphth-2-ol-7-sulfonsaure f naphth-2-ol-7-sulphonic acid, *7-hydroxynaphthalene-2-sulphonic acid

Naphthylamin n naphthylamine Naphthylamindisulfonsaure f naphthylaminedisul-

phonic acid - S naphth-1 -ylamine-4,8-disulphonic acid, * 8 -amino-

naphthalene-1,5-disulphonic acid Naphthylaminsulfat n naphthylamine sulphate

Naphthylaminsulfonsaure f naphthylaminesulphonic acid

Naphthylessigsaure f naphthylacetic acid Naphthylgruppe f, Naphthylrest m C1 0 H t-naph-

thyl group (residue) a-Naphthylthioharnstoff m 1-naphthylthiourea (a

rodenticide) Narbenfestigkeit f (tann) grain crack resistance Narbenpressen n (tann) embossing narbenrein (tann) clean-grained Narbenschicht f(tann) grain layer Narbenspalt m (tann) grain [split] Narkoseether m anaesthesia ether Narkosemittel n narcotic Narkotikum n narcotic narkotisch narcotic narrensicher fool-proof Nasen-Rachen-Reizstoff m (tox) sternutator, nose

irritant, sneeze gas, irritant smoke Nasenstein m tuckstone (in a glass furnace) naB wet, moist NaBablagerung f wet deposition (of acids from the

atmosphere) NaBabscheider m wet collector, [gas] scrubber,

gas washer NaBabscheidung f wet collecting (collection), wet

scrubbing NaBanalyse f wet analysis naBaufbereiten (min tech) to wet-clean, to wash NaBaufbereitung f (min tech) wet cleaning, wash­

ing; (ceram) wet preparation (mixing) NaB-auf-NaB-Druckverfahren n (text) wet-on-wet

printing method NaBausschuB m (pap) wet broke NaBaustrag m wet discharge NaBbehandlung f wet treatment NaBbeize f (agric) wet treatment (of seed) NaBbetrieb m steaming (in making water gas) NaBdampf m wet steam NaBdekatur f (text) wet decatizing, roll boiling Nasse f wetness, moisture naBecht (text) fast to wetting NaBechtheit f (text) wet fastness, fastness to wet­

ting NaBelektroabscheider m, NaBelektrofilter n wet

(film) precipitator (for electrical gas cleaning) NaBentrindungsanlage f (pap) waterous barker NaBentstauber m s. NaBabscheider naBfest 1. wet-strength (paper); 2. s. naBecht NaBfestigkeit f 1. wet strength (of paper); 2. s.