Groups can be a beneficial way for children and adolescents with ASD to enhance important social skill developments. Chapter 4 highlights the importance in determining the readiness of clients who may participate in AutPlay play and social skills groups. Once the readiness of clients is determined, groups have a variety of benefits, including a sense of belonging, trust, and a safe place for them to practice important social skills. The therapist is the key component of successful groups and chooses AutPlay interventions carefully to best help the specific needs of the group members. The professional is vital to the success of social skills groups, planning the specifics of each group session before the first group occurs. It is important for professionals to remember that, due to social skills difficulties of group members, unwanted behaviors should be expected, and a plan for limit setting and handling this behavior should be decided upon well before the first group session. This chapter concludes with important information on the value of including parents in AutPlay Therapy groups, as well as ethical considerations when conducting these groups.