In this VBTC lasting 19 minutes and 12 seconds, Mrinmaye Sen discusses what she introduces as her anger problem with being disrespected. The assessment and intervention sections of this conversation are fairly straightforward in that, using an example with her boss, I helped Mrinmaye Sen to identify and examine her rigid attitude towards being disrespected and to develop a flexible attitude as an alternative. What is more challenging for me is helping Mrinmaye Sen to see that her goals of being instantly unbothered about the adversity of disrespect are problematic and that it is healthy to struggle towards feeling annoyed or healthily angry about the adversity. The interview also brings out that a person can be inclined to cling to a rigid attitude because of its perceived usefulness. My approach to this in Mrinmaye Sen’s case is to help her see that it is the preference component of the rigid attitude that is helpful and not the rigid component and that this preference component is also present in the flexible attitude. Thus, she can let go of her commitment to the rigid attitude without losing anything.