In this VBTC, which lasts for 17 minutes 18 seconds, Poorva raises an issue about a past incident where a male friend touched her inappropriately. She says that she has largely dealt with this issue and would lay down very firm boundaries if he tried to touch her inappropriately again. She also claims to have let go of her unhealthy anger towards the man. However, she questions whether she should or should not let go of this angry emotion and this is the focus of the conversation that follows. Poorva thinks that in letting this emotion go she is giving in or in some way communicating to the man that he can do what he wants to do, and that her anger would, in some way, prevent him from having such thoughts. In the interview, I help her to see that she can have a very strong preference about this man (and men in general) not thinking that it is OK to behave inappropriately to women, but very regretfully she does not have to have this preference met. She comes to see, at the end, that holding this flexible attitude and giving up her unhealthy anger does not mean that she is giving in or condoning such inappropriate male behaviour.