Citations of past research are most common in the Introduction in IMRD, with current research dominating later divisions, but the break point is not as sharp in IPTC, which often has extensive citations related to the framework at the beginning of the Process division. Details of the current research support the implicit claim that the data are reliable. Without them, the data are worthless. This is the reason for the attention to detail in the second division, describing Methods or Process. Documenting the experimental design is vital in any research involving statistics, far more common in science than engineering. In most fields of natural science graphics are exceedingly rare in the Introduction and Methods. However, in engineering there are frequently illustrations in the Introduction and Process divisions depicting the new design, as well as tables and graphs in the Testing division, similar to those found in the Results division of IMRD. The chapter also gives examples of how pointing verbs can be used both to locate and highlight evidence in graphics.