Data analysis produces a theme of ‘geographical knowledge’ in curriculum making at Derwent School. The experienced Head of Department plays a key role in this theme through her curriculum leadership. The geography teachers agree that students should enjoy lessons, but there is some disagreement over how far Key Stage 3 content should reflect students’ existing experience and interests. The department, in particular, Kathy, indicate a belief in the importance of ‘core’ knowledge and understanding, which is grounded in geographical knowledge. Data analysis shows a sub-theme of ‘skills’, particularly geographical, and to a lesser extent generic skills in curriculum making at Derwent. The analysis of interviews and planning meetings shows that Ofsted is a consideration in teachers’ curriculum planning. Assessment, in particular, is an area in which teachers express anxiety that Ofsted will require evidence of student progress. The geography teachers at Derwent make frequent reference to a wide range of resources informing their curriculum-making.