The Bible contains two distinctly separate and contradictory stories of creation, manifestly written by two authors, and combined by a third writer or compiler. In the first story the writer employs the name Elohim, translated God, for the deity, and is therefore called the Elohist. The second writer employs the name Jehovah, or Jehovah-Elohim, translated Lord, Lord-God and is therefore called the Jehovist. The name Elohim, being plural in the original, would be more correctly rendered The Gods. The Elohistic writer tells a connected, consistent story; but the Jehovistic writer, evidently thinking it requires amending, proceeds to amend it in different particulars. A petty god, engaged in a petty quarrel with the creatures he has made, because he was afraid of his own handiwork. It is simply religious insanity to maintain that our God, our Father, would “inspire” a story which gives the lie to every one of those characteristics.